Invasion of Life

Sheeeeeeeeit if life isn’t the most twisted and beautiful thing ever, then my name isn’t Marwa Alib– hold up. I don’t know some of ya’ll like that to be giving you the full guvy but for real though. Let me start by saying that I love writing. Especially in unconventional places like public transit (yes, I am not above that). Load that metro card like it ain’t nobody’s business baby. I’m currently heading downtown, listening to Chel’s EP (Reclaiming My Love). Sis got me in a whole mood and she doesn’t even know it. Sang it girl! Side note: So Many Lies is my personal fav xoxoxo

The essence of her EP is flowing through me and got me feeling quite expressive. Not long ago, I had a conversation with someone who tried to explain to me that they can maintain a good, healthy friendship with me and someone I consider an enemy, at the same damn time. I’m not sure what surprises you more: their fickle logic or the fact that my cute ass has enemies. Sigh. But in all seriousness, where they do that at?? I actually took it in for a bit, and thought “ya that’s a mature outlook. Maybe they don’t want to get involved” blah blah blah. Sure thing bud. And before you say “Marwa, I think you’re being a bit harsh. People can speak to whoever they choose. It doesn’t mean they’re being mixy.” Au contraire mon frere. Truth is, if something doesn’t sit well with you, you need not take it. It’s about boundaries, and you should beware of the people that can’t respect yours.

Now playing Kevin Gates- Luca Brasi 3

Lately, I’ve been practising the art of creating boundaries, and ensuring people stay well within them. Not on some Don Pablo shit, although we could all learn a thing or two from his no nonsense attitude. But more about understanding what you’re willing and not willing to accept.I spent way too much time giving people the benefit of the doubt, and no doubt they got way too comfortable. You know how the saying goes: Give em an inch, they want inches, no remy.

On the flip side, I had a period in my life where I spent time being too cut throat, and started to lack compassion. It got to a point where that behaviour was hurting me more than it was helping me. I think I may have been listening to too much old Toronto street rap. Had Heartless G on re-PEAT! I can’t lie, I’ll still hit play on “Have a Nice Trip“. Free up.

Anyways, I say all this to say, life is about trial and error. You’re not guaranteed to get things right on the first attempt. You have to be ready to fall, and maybe even get a little dirty, before you figure yourself out. People may call you names, discourage you, even try to end you, but just know that it’s all a part of the game of life. Don’t hold grudges, hold your head up. Be above the bullshit, but be willing to go through it, because I promise you, there’s a lot of bullshit out there.  As much as I went through the motions over the years, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The lessons I’ve learned, the love I’ve lost and recieved, and the confidence I’ve gained, make this crazy thing we call life worth living.

I totally missed my stop by the way.  Ya’ll won!


1 thought on “Invasion of Life

  1. This might be the most insightful and most gangster thing I’ve ever read (“Not on some Don Pablo shit…”). Keep shining.


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